Monday, September 30, 2019

Civic Education In The Uk And The Record Education Essay

This essay will try to specify an ideal citizen. The essay will sketch the worsening engagement of young person and other inspirations for the application of civic instruction into the compulsory course of study within the Untied Kingdom. The course of study of civic instruction across the United Kingdom will be briefly outlined, taking into history the differences between England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Some of the jobs with learning methods will be addressed and alternate signifiers of acquisition will be outlined, with focal point on experiential acquisition. The failure of civic instruction to prosecute young person in the political procedure will be addressed, this essay will nevertheless foreground the ways in which young person appear to going engaged in the local and planetary community. Adult civic instruction will be briefly discussed, with peculiar focal point on its importance in increasing the battle of young person and political pattern in the hereafter, some troubles with insulating the success or failure from a range of influences will besides be discussed. This essay will be focused on civic instruction for immature people. This essay will reason that the failure to actuate young person and prosecute them in the political procedure, which is important in make fulling the function of a ‘good ‘ and ‘active ‘ citizen, reflects a failure of the nature of civic instruction in the United Kingdom.Specifying an ideal citizenThe constructs of a ‘good ‘ or ‘active ‘ citizen are interpretative, changing throughout many demographics within the United Kingdom. The diverse population of the UK, within societal category systems, cultural groups and spiritual groups for illustration, mean that many constructs of what constitutes citizenship exist within its population. We must understand the impression of a ‘good ‘ or ‘active ‘ citizen in order to mensurate the success or fa ilure of Civic instruction in the United Kingdom. Although there may be fluctuation within these categorizations, an ‘active ‘ citizen is one who engages in the political procedure and engages in broader society. An ideal active citizen will take part in society in a assortment ways. Norris ( 2002, p216 ) identifies voting as one of the most common signifiers of political engagement. Turn out for elections is a cardinal component of civic battle within modern-day representative democracies. Franklin and Van Der Eijk ( 2009, p1 ) note that elections allow citizens who vote an chance to show their political penchants, which have deductions for the behavior of a authorities and the policies that a authorities will peruse. If a society is to stay democratic, citizens must hold an input within this procedure. An active citizen may besides partake in party rank. Norris ( 2002, p218 ) states that parties serve multiple maps: Simplifying and structuring electoral picks ; organizing and call uping runs ; jointing and aggregating disparate involvements ; imparting communicating, audience, and argument ; preparation, recruiting, and choosing campaigners ; structuring parliamentary divisions ; moving as policy think armored combat vehicles ; and organising authorities. An active citizen would utilize their cognition of political relations and the political system in choosing a party that best represented the involvements of themselves and their sensed impression of a wider benefit. Equally good as engagement in the political procedure citizens must work towards accomplishing societal capital. This can be understood as the creative activity of community within society. At its most simple degree societal capital should be produced through administrations of household, friends, vicinities and schools. Putnam ( 2000, p19 ) defines the construct of societal capital as ; Connections among persons societal webs and the norms of reciprocality and trustiness that arise from them. In that sense societal capital is closely related to what some have called â€Å" civic virtuousness. † The difference is that â€Å" societal capital † calls attending to the fact that civic virtuousness is most powerful when embedded in a sense web of mutual societal dealingss. A society of many virtuous but stray persons is non needfully rich in societal capital. In order to accomplish an ideal vision of citizenship, persons must go involved within the community, every bit good as within the political procedure. Norris ( 2002, p220 ) claims that Putnam ‘s thesis possibly realised by citizens belonging to environmental groups, athleticss nines, volunteering, spiritual administrations and civic groups such as the parent- instructor association. Putnam ( 1995, p68 ) claims that civic battle leads to swear within society and the realization of democracy. Civic instruction purposes to make good rounded citizens, the success or failure of such instruction should be based on these results. Does civic instruction green goods such citizens? Are persons politically engaged? Do persons partake in civic activity?Worsening engagement in immature peopleThe average immature individual does non vote and does n't belong to a political party and has really small trust in political establishments. Harmonizing to Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p2 ) turnout for the 2005 general election historic low of 37 % . Merely 10 % of immature people are said to ‘trust ‘ politicians and merely 6 % trust political parties. This is perceived by Kisby to be due to the progressively irrelevancy of political parties for immature people. Mair and Van Biezen ( 2001, p7 ) suggests that such detachment may besides be due to the limited chance for immature people to show their sentiments, or party schemes to maximize ballots that rationally disregards marginalised groups that are less likely to vote, such as young person, and, the weakening of immature people ‘s place in relation to the labor market and the public assistance province. Figure one: Voter Turnout By Age ( IDEA, 2005 ) The figures within this tabular array highlight the statement that the sum of engagement in voting from young person has decreased over the past two UK elections. These issues have been lending drivers for advancing civic instruction in schools. Signs of young person detachment have made civic instruction high in the docket for national authoritiess and supranational administrations such as the council of Europe and the European committee. Harmonizing to Kerr ( 2009, p18 ) within a paper by the Institute of Global Ethics other factors include ; Concern about weakening political and civic battle in society or detachment, peculiarly among the immature ; Increased motion of peoples within and across states and the force per unit areas on community coherence and inter-cultural dealingss ; The expansion of supra-national entities such as the European Union ( EU ) ; The impact of planetary events, peculiarly 9/11 and the London, Madrid and Mumbai onslaughts, and concerns about battling terrorist act and extremism ; Issues around the direction and hereafter of the planet refering planetary citizenship, the environment and the universe economic system. And eventually the deficiency of trust for politicians and political parties. Implementing civic instruction theoretically provides a measure towards get the better ofing these obstructions of modern society in the UK.The civic instruction course of study for stripling civic instruction in schools within the United KingdomCitizenship instruction became a compulsory topic in the national course of study for secondary schools in August 2002 across the United Kingdom. September 2007 ‘local and planetary citizenship became a statutory constituent of the revised Northern Ireland course of study. Andrews et. EL. ( 2005, p4 ) suggests that the civic instruction course of study in Northern Ireland reflects the concern with human rights and internationalism, whilst understating counter issues associating to national individuality. In Scotland, Values and Citizenship is one of the five National Priorities in Education. Harmonizing to Andrews et. EL. ( 2007, p4 ) states that the The Education for Citizenship in Scotland study published in 2002 encouraged a citizens hip programme that focused on the rights, duties and regard of immature people within Scots communities. Therefore more accent is placed on national cultural individuality so within the English course of study. In Wales, Citizenship is portion of the statutory proviso for Personal and Social Education and Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Andrews et. EL. ( 2007, p5 ) suggests that Citizenship instruction plays a cardinal function in bring forthing an inclusive sense of cultural and civic ‘Welshness ‘ , pulling on the freshly devolved national establishments, whilst staying rooted in familiar local concerns. When foremost introduced to England the citizenship instruction course of study had three strands: political literacy, societal and moral duty and community battle. Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p2 ) province that the purposes of the class were to learn immature people to go good informed, responsible citizens engaged in mainstream political and civic activities, such as vote and engaging in voluntary work, in peculiar at a local community degree. Citizenship instruction screens: political relations and authorities, the legal system, equal chances and human rights issues. New citizenship instruction has included a Forth strand ‘identity and diverseness: life together in the UK ‘ which teaches kids about affairs at both a national and regional degree. These include ethic and spiritual civilizations and their connexions, kids are besides required to research the construct of community coherence. Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p7 ) province that a full GCSE was to be made available from Sept ember 2009 and an A degree in citizenship instruction is besides being devised. Harmonizing to Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p6 ) the purpose of citizenship and values instruction is no longer merely about promoting formal political engagement in civic society, but besides now about readying for informal engagement in civil society ; acquisition of a greater apprehension and grasp of issues of individuality and belonging, community coherence, diverseness and inclusion in society ; and development of a sense of citizenship in a planetary context, peculiarly around issues of sustainable development and besides the environment. Harmonizing to Andrews et. EL. ( 2007, p11 ) the school system frequently teaches pupils citizenship advancing ‘compliance ‘ and ‘authority ‘ alternatively of liberty. A job with the classs seem to be the descriptive nature, missing analytical and critical component, doing the content a shallow debut to the worlds of assorted political procedures.Alternate signifiers of civic instruction for young personCivic instruction is p ortion of the course of study, in which civic ideals are taught in a traditional format, nevertheless civic surveies may be received better by pupils if taught in alternate ways. Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p6 ) suggest that schools can move as mini-polities. In this format pupils will larn to be effectual citizens if there is importance placed upon the democratic nature of, and chances for look in schools. Andrews et. EL. ( 2007, p11 ) claim that schools provide formative spheres for look and civic battle, for pattern in societal dealingss and in covering with authorization. This may be a more effectual format of citizenship as it is an synergistic experience that relates to pupils ain experiences, and allows them to take part in and reflect upon the broad spectrum of democratic political relations. This construct may be understood as experiential acquisition. Experiential acquisition is larning through contemplation of making, for illustration a kid may larn about animate beings better at a menagerie instead than reading about animate beings in a book. In making this the kid is doing their ain find and non larning 2nd manus. Kolb et. EL. ( 2005, p199 ) province that experiential acquisition requires no instructor it does nevertheless necessitate the scholar to be volitionally involved in the acquisition experiences, the scholar must be able to reflect on their experiences, must possess and utilize analytical accomplishments to hold on the experience and eventually the scholar must besides possess determination devising and job work outing accomplishments in order to utilize the new thoughts gained form the experience. Civic instruction is believed to be most efficaciously taught through such an synergistic attack. Kolb et. EL. ( 2005, p200 ) suggests that experiential acquisition connects larning to pupils past experiences and promotes the impression of pupils actively and collaboratively prosecuting in engagement activities that address issues relevant to their ain lives. This learning manner leads to the development of cognition and accomplishments facilitated through public presentation and games. Kolb et. EL. ( 2005, p199 ) claims that this engagement in work-based acquisition concerned with accomplishing public goods, and emphasises the importance of participants reflecting on and analyzing the activities undertaken. Citizenship lessons, through the ‘community engagement ‘ strand, encourage pupils to prosecute in participative activities. Harmonizing to Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p7 ) research in the united provinces shows that ‘educating democracy ‘ can and should use a as sortment of educational patterns: acquisition through ‘discussion and deliberation ‘ , ‘political research and action undertakings ‘ , ‘speakers and wise mans ‘ , ‘placements, intern-ships and service larning ‘ and ‘structured contemplation ‘ . This is nevertheless believed to force immature people in the way of volunteering and non vote. However, cognition, engagement and deliberation are all vitally of import elements that must be linked together in citizenship lessons, if it is to be active citizenship instead than merely volunteering that pupils are engaged in.Youth battle in the political procedureYouth engagement and engagement refering political relations in the United Kingdom remains low, proposing a failure of citizenship surveies. This decision can be assessed in relation to the engagement of immature people in the political procedure after civic instruction was made compulsory in schools across the United Kingdom in 2002. Research conducted by the Hansard Society provides analysis of current political attitudes, gained from face-to-face study informations. The audit of political attitudes and engagement combines regular inquiries which measure underlying tendencies on public battle from twelvemonth to twelvemonth, every bit good as particular subdivisions concentrating on peculiar issues or subdivisions of the population. This research is funded by the House of Commons and the Ministry of Justice. From this information we are presented with inside informations of immature peoples attitudes towards the political procedure in 2009, long after the execution of civic instruction throughout schools in the United Kingdom. It appears that civic instruction in the United Kingdom has failed to prosecute young person in the political procedure. Interest in political relations remains low among young person. The Hansard Audit of Political Engagement 6 ( 2009, p48 ) displays that merely one 3rd ( 35 % ) of those elderly 18-24 say they are interested, compared to over half of people for all age groups above the age of 25. It can be assumed that without involvement in political relations, other signifiers of political engagement will, in bend, be low. Evidence of young person keeping political cognition appears low despite of civic instruction. Harmonizing to informations calculated by the Hansard Audit of Political Engagement 6 ( 2009, p50 ) perceived cognition appears to correlate with age, with 32 % of 18-24 twelvemonth olds stating they know at least ‘a just sum ‘ about political relations increasing steadily to 60 % of 65-74 twelvemonth olds, though merely 49 % of the 75+ age group say the same. As displayed in Figure one young person turnout appears to be worsening. Voting is seen as a cardinal factor of active citizenship, lending to a successful democracy. The Hansard Audit of Political Engagement 6 ( 2009, p48 ) shows that merely 24 % of young person ages between 18-24 claim they would vote in an immediate general election compared to the norm of 53 % . The ego proclaimed likelihood to vote in general elections appears to increase with age as displayed in the findings below.Figure 2Civic instruction purposes to learn pupils about ideal citizenship in a democratic society. However this deficiency of willingness to vote and miss of battle with the political procedure shows that civic and political theory taught with civic instruction may non be put into pattern after category. Within youth the apprehension of what constitutes a good citizen and implementing such beliefs are non linked. This is apparent in relation to civic engagement in political parties. The Hansard Audit of Political Engagement 6 ( 2009, p57 ) inside informations that fall ining a political party is seen by the smallest proportion of the populace as an of import behavior of a good citizen: about 63 % of those surveyed say it is ‘fairly unimportant ‘ or ‘not of import at all ‘ . However fall ining a political party is more likely to be seen as of import by the younger population. 42 % of surveyed 18-24 twelvemonth olds believe fall ining a political party is indispensable or of import in order to be a good citizen, compared to 34 % of the populace as a whole. Yet there is a contrast evident between the big figure of people who think something is of import and their willingness to really make it. Harmonizing to the audit of political engagement, merely 1 % of 18-24 twelvemonth olds have paid a rank fee or made a contribution to a political party in the last two or three old ages. Political engagement appears to be unchanged by the execution of compulsory civic instruction throughout the United Kingdom. However youth appear to going engaged in different ways.Engagement of immature people in civic activityCivicss instruction is seen to hold an impact on the engagement of young person in wider society. Harmonizing to Pattie et. EL. ( 2004, p173 ) through entree to civic instruction immature people are going progressively involved within the community, both locally and planetary in different ways. Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p3 ) claim that while trust for politicians and political parties is seen to be diminishing around a 3rd of immature people trust certain non authorities administration ‘s like the amnesty International and Greenpeace. The information below, from the Hansard Audit of Political Engagement 6 ( 2009, p58 ) we can see that 24 % of young person aged between 18-24 donated to charity or candidacy administrations, compared to the really low 1 % of surveyed young person who contributed to political parties. By donating to Charity and non authorities administrations youth may believe that they are lending to breaking a state of affairs near to their bosom, in which their part will really do a difference. These issues, normally of planetary significance make young person subscribers to a wider, planetary society.Figure 3Is civic instruction holding a positive consequence on civic battle and political engagement for young person?Youth engagement should non be divorced from broader developments in society given that engagement depends every bit much on category, income, educational attainment and regional location as it does on age. citizenship instruction is merely one component of turn toing the demand side o f seeking to positively act upon immature people ‘s civic attitudes. It is difficult to insulate civic instruction as the exclusive subscriber to making active immature citizens. Other factors may prosecute immature citizens. Park et EL. ( 2004, p33 ) emphasise the function of socio-economic category in civic battle as they claim immature people from more advantaged backgrounds are significantly more likely than those from less advantaged house holds to prosecute in political relations. Motivation may besides originate for immature people from the political clime Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p323 ) claim that this was seen to some extent with the success of Barack Obama in the US. Young peoples engagement in political relations and battle with the political procedure appears to be unaffected by civic instruction. However it is apparent that immature people are interested and engaged in alternate ways. From this observation it appears that while pupils are deriving an apprehension of what it means to be a good citizen, few are rehearsing many facets of it. Harmonizing to informations accessed from UCAS a figure of pupils taking A-levels and inscribing for political relations degree programmes has increased over the past decennary. There were a sum of 5239 appliers to political relations grades in 2008 harmonizing to the facts and figures of the UCAS, compared to 2692 in 1996 long earlier civic instruction was made compulsory.Figure 4This may foreground a success in the civics instruction plan. It seems that civic instruction surveies have motivated young person to derive farther instruction on political relations and the political procedure. This crisp slope of appliers to political relations plans across the United Kingdom may besides be the consequence of an inflow of appliers across all university classs. Harmonizing to Kisby et. EL. ( 2009, p6 ) citizenship lessons are likely to hold a positive impact on pupil battle in society in the longer term. However, contrary to this belief, Milner ( 2002, p118 ) suggests that it uncertain of whether or non kids retain the information received in civic instruction surveies at school throughout their grownup lives. Park et EL. ( 2004, p33 ) claim that immature people populating with grownups who show an involvement in political relations are more likely to go interested in political relations themselves, to place with a political party and believe and understand that it is everyone ‘s civic responsibility to vote. This suggests that an engaged grownup population who pattern political relations and contribute to society would ensue in a more occupied young person. Therefore some signifier of big instruction is required to continue an occupied people.Adult civic instructionSimilarly to civic instruction within schools, Boggs ( 1991, p81 ) de fines civic instruction for grownups as a purposeful and systematic attempt to develop within grownups the accomplishments and personal demands needed to map as citizens within their community. Adults have greater functions within the community so young person of school age, it is of import for them to understand the demands of a citizen within a democracy. Milner ( 2002, p117 ) suggests that there is good ground to believe that, when it comes to civic literacy, the content of what is learned as an grownup is more of import than that learned in schools during young person. Adults over the age of 18 are able to partake in elections, most have an income enabling them to lend to society, political determinations appear to impact them more straight so immature people. Adults need civic cognition to protect their involvements within elections and to lend to their community. It is for these grounds Milner ( 2002, p 119 ) believes that it is cardinal that civic instruction is reinforced th roughout the lives of grownups in order to bring forth citizens efficaciously engaged in society and the political procedure. Without reviewing political thoughts in grownup heads detachment will happen, as sentiments and values become out-of-date. Engaged grownups lead to greater battle within younger cohorts of the electorate, intending that an involvement in the political procedure and in activities associating to civic battle will be perpetuated. There does nevertheless look to be a deficiency of civic instruction classs for grownups in the United Kingdom. In order for the true potency of civic instruction to be realised, civic instruction must be aimed at both school aged young person and grownups likewise.troubles in measuring civic instruction ‘s success or failureThe success or failure of civic instruction can be assessed by the political and societal activities partaken in after prosecuting with survey. Therefore insulating the success or failure of civic instruction is hard. Other factors play a portion in the battle of citizens in the political procedure and in society more by and large. Engagement is marked by socio-economic position, ethnicity, age, gender and income every bit good as instruction. The function of instruction in making ‘good ‘ and ‘active ‘ citizens is difficult to measure when many facets play a portion in the result.DecisionCitizenship instruction became a compulsory topic in the national course of study for secondary schools in August 2002 across the United Kingdom. We must understand the impression of a ‘good ‘ or ‘active ‘ citizen in order to mensurate the success or failure of Civic instruction in the United Kingdom. Although there may be fluctuation within these categorizations, an ‘active ‘ citizen is one who engages in the political procedure and engages in broader society. The purpose of citizenship instruction about promoting formal political engagement in civic society, but besides now about readying for informal engagement in civil society. The average immature individual does non vote and does n't belong to a political party and has really small trust in political establishments. These marks of young person detachment have made civic instruction high in the docket for national authoritiess. Students are encouraged to get a greater apprehension and grasp of issues of individuality and belonging, community coherence, diverseness and inclusion in society. Citizenship instruction aims to develop of a sense of citizenship in a planetary context, peculiarly around issues of sustainable development and besides the environment. In order to accomplish an ideal vision of citizenship, persons must go involved within the community, every bit good as within the political procedure. Civic instruction purposes to make good rounded citizens, the success or failure of such instruction should be based on these results. Civic ideals are taught in a traditional format, nevertheless civic surveies may be received better by pupils if taught in alternate ways. Alternate signifiers of learning, such as those which encourage experiential acquisition, may be a more effectual format of citizenship instruction as it is provides an synergistic experience that relates to pupils ain experiences, and allows them to take part in and reflect upon the political procedure and political relations itself. Knowledge, engagement and deliberation are all vitally of import elements that must be linked together in citizenship lessons, if it is to be active citizenship instead than merely volunteering that pupils are engaged in. Youth engagement and engagement refering political relations in the United Kingdom remains low, proposing a failure of citizenship surveies. Young people fail to demo marks of battle with political relations or marks of political engagement even after the execution of civic instruction within school s. Young people do demo an apprehension of what constitutes a good citizen but fail to implementing these ideals, such as vote and belonging to a political party. However entree to civic instruction has engaged immature people in different ways. Young people are going progressively involved within the community, through activities such as volunteering or donating to charity administrations. This suggests that involvement and trust in political relations remain low. Over all it is hard to insulate the success or failure of civic instruction. Other factors play a portion in the battle of citizens within their communities and in the political procedure.

Conflict Resolution Essay

A new director decides to reorganize the department you work in. This reorganization comes about without input from the employees and many of the nurses that you oversee are feeling resentful of the change. As a nurse leader, identify factors that may lead to conflict and ways you can manage them. Wherever there are people the ability for conflict exits. Conflict is a disagreement, opposition or clash. It can affect the person emotionally, physically and specially. It can result in a fight, discord and division. Conflict can be used to motivate; however it can be destructive and should be dealt with. According to McElhaney (n.d) nurses experience six major areas of conflict. This scenario depicts one of those areas. 1. People who have experience in an area, want to feel that their opinion is considered and valued. So, when changes are made to an area or department, in which they work, have experience and are the expert; employees want to have input. In the absence of employee participation there may be apathy, anarchy and malicious compliance. Oftentimes it leads to lack of respect within the profession and feelings of anger, diminished self-worth, and conflict. However; as a nurse manager oftentimes, changes are made without any input from the employee and I have to manage this situation. In this case, during a staff meeting, I would discuss the changes, reasons they were made, and ask for input as to how we can implement these changes such that they work more effectively in our department. By using collaboration, my goal would be to incorporate employee feedback in areas/processes under my control. This would allow the employees to feel that they have some control over their work area, their input is valued and contribute to problem solving (Cardillo, 2011). Other areas are: 2. People have varying opinions, come from different backgrounds and culture and have different values. When conflict arises over differing in values and cultures, then these conflicts must be dealt with. They must be  discussed and a compromise reached that works for each party as well as the department (McElhaney,n.d). 3. Communication may be misunderstood and body language misconstrued (Cardillo, 2011). To confront this type of conflict, someone must be willing to speak out. Once during my 360 degree review, I received feedback that my team members felt devalued and that they were not being listened to because often times I continued typing when they came into the office; even though I coherently responded to the questions. After receiving this feedback, anytime someone comes into my office, I would sit on my hands to ensure that I pay attention and not type. When verbal communication and body language is misunderstood, the conflict must be confronted, discussed and a change must be made or an explanation given. Accommodating to meet the needs of promotes harmony and gains credits that can be used at a later date. 4. A nurse’s personal space is often invaded by other staff members, physicians, and patients. Crowded conditions and constant interruption can lead to conflict. In this situation, I would use a combination strategy of face-to-face meeting, collaboration and benchmarking. I would start with a face to face meeting with the individual to get his/her input as to how to better design/arrange the work area to reduce stress and interruptions. I would also research what other hospitals have done in this situation and implement best practice. Then I would follow-up with the employee to ensure the implemented changes solved the problem. 5. Other causes of conflict involve organizational climate, leadership style, off-the-job problems, age pressures, job standards, and personal prejudice. These conflicts affect each individual differently. Therefore, I would recommend the employee experiencing these conflicts or exhibiting behavior that is indicative of these stressors to the Employee Assistance Program; which consists of professionals especially skilled to assist the employee in dealing with these stresses. 6. Coping with technology changes and procedures. To provide our patients with the best care, we have to continuously improve this mean that change is inevitable. So, during staff meetings, I cover latest techniques, updated procedures and discuss how these add value to patient care and make our job easier. Once a month a different member of the staff discusses medical article or book they have read concerning a procedure or technique that can improve our process. After their presentation, we discuss if this is something we can implement easier or should put on our wish list. Lastly, each nurse is required to obtain six hours of training a year in which the hospital pays for. Training in new technology and procedures that are introduced is required and may be used for this purpose. There are many strategies to deal with conflict; avoidance is one. Some types of conflict if left alone, will work themselves out. However; because of the potential devastating nature of conflict; it should confronted; confront the situation and not the person. One should listen with empathy and the goal to understand the other person’s point of view and negotiate to a win-win or at the very least a win-lose solution. Even if one side has to lose, position the lost as something positive that can be built upon or negotiated later (Nursing Strategies: Countering Workplace Conflict with Positive Communication Strategies, 2011). References Cardillo, D. (November 28, 2011). Seven strategies for managing conflict Retrieved from McElhaney R. (n.d). Conflict Management. Retrieved from Nursing Strategies: Countering Workplace Conflict with Positive Communication

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Heathcliff: Victim or Villain? Essay

Although Heathcliff was a victim several times within Wuthering Heights, does this justify his immoral actions that hurt those around him? It is true that Catherine is extremely selfish, but she never intentionally or deliberately planned to hurt anyone in this novel. Heathcliff’s manipulative and vengeful actions are truly those of a villain. Heathcliff as a Victim: Nelly’s unwillingness to acknowledge Heathcliff’s presence to Catherine in a crucial time allowed him to overhear the hurtful things that she was saying. If Nelly had tried to stop Heathcliff from running away, he may have been present to hear all of the positive things that Catherine would later declare about him. Although Heathcliff is her soul mate, Catherine married Edgar instead because of his money and social status. Her selfishness makes Heathcliff a victim, and denies him of his true love. Heathcliff is a victim because his parents left him, and because of his darker skin. The Linton’s show prejudice towards him, and judge him by his looks. Catherine as a Victimizer Catherine truly hurts Heathcliff by marrying Edgar, whom she does not love. She knows that Heathcliff is her soul mate, but does not find him suitable for a husband. Her selfishness in turn causes many problems throughout the novel. When Edgar visits Wuthering Heights to see Catherine, she betrays Heathcliff by telling him to leave her and Edgar alone. Although Heathcliff and Catherine’s relationship was very strong, she completely forgets about him once Edgar arrives. Catherine expects everybody to do what she says, and becomes hysterical when  people do not. She pinches Nelly in a fit of passion, which shows her instability as a character. Heathcliff as a Villain Heathcliff purposely influences Hareton, who was at the time a young child, to hate his father. His negative affect on Hareton causes him to curse, and to tell people that his father Hindley is the devil. Heathcliff marries Isabella in order to hurt her brother, and treats her very poorly. He also hangs her dog for no reason other than to hurt anything associated with the Lintons (except Catherine, of course). This brutality shows how strong Heathcliff’s hatred truly was, and shows his willingness to hurt innocent people for revenge. He takes custody of Linton, who is terrified of his father. He is constantly weak, sick, and Heathcliff uses him to secure his fortune at Thrushcross Grange. He bribes young Cathy into marrying Linton, telling her she would not be able to see her dying father unless she did. Heathcliff knew that Cathy loved her father, but held her hostage until he had gotten what he had wanted. This displays how truly selfish he was, and to what extremes he would undergo in order to achieve his goals. Because of Heathcliff’s experiences as a victim, he became stronger and more determined to achieve his goals. However, no person has the right to express their anger on other innocent people, which is exactly what Heathcliff did. At first, we felt sympathy for his lack of luck in the first part of the novel. In the second half, we truly see what a horrible character he turns out to be.


1. What is the origin of the word `magazine? The etymology of the word ‘magazine’ goes back to Arabic mahazin from the word hazana, which meant to store, French magasin, which meant a storehouse, from Old French magazin (possibly via Old Italian magazzino). As we saw, in both cases the stem store was meant.[1] 2. Name 3 general interest magazines and 3 special interest magazines. General interest magazines are â€Å"Newsweek†, â€Å"People†, and â€Å"the Time†. For special interest magazines I would point out â€Å"Car and Driver†, â€Å"Science Magazine†, â€Å"Molecular Medicine†. 3. What is a muckraker? Name 2 and their most famous stories. is an American English term for one who investigates and exposes issues of corruption that violate widely held values, such as political corruption, corporate crime, child labor, conditions in slums and prisons. The most important muckraker work was Ralf Nader’s Unsafe at Any Speed, which let to stop production of the Chevrolet Corvair in 1965. Wayne Barrett, investigative journalist, senior editor of the Village Voice; wrote on mystique and misdeeds in Rudy Giuliani's conduct as mayor of New York City, Grand Illusion: The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9/11 (2006). 4. What is 2nd class postage? Why is it so important to magazines? Second class postage stamp is a low cost solution for the mailing service. It allows full compensation if the product is lost or damaged and allows delivering large magazine sized items, the last advantage is that by second class posting the magazines will be delivered in three days.[2] 5. Think of a particular segment of the mass audience that could be served by a magazine but doesn’t seem to be. Describe the audience and the sort of magazine that would appeal to this collection of readers. On a separate piece of paper, prepare a mock-up of the cover for your new magazine. There is a massive need among people to â€Å"Mind the danger!† I would call my magazine in this way. This would be a magazine which warns people of different dangers in using, e.g. electricity, gas, vehicles, electrical equipment, all types of equipment, devices and materials that may be dangerous for a man, a child, anyone. I suppose that this segment, which is a huge segment and by its nature the magazine would be classified as a â€Å"general [1] [2];mediaId=3500019

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Exploring Rita Dove’s “The Darker Face of the Earth”

â€Å"An expert poet, a creative story writer and adept at writing scripts of various genres†; all things, which make the world filled with writings. This is one of the gorgeous ways of delineating the character of an American poet and author, Rita Frances Dove. â€Å"I think the worst thing that can happen to a poet is to be self-conscious, to think, ‘I’m writing a poem’ the moment that you’re writing a poem.† With all this line, as quoted by Ingersoll (2003) during an interview held at the University Press of Mississippi, Rita Dove shows her philosophical adage and belief about the essence of every event happening around her.It merely signifies that whatever things come along the way should be given an explicit notion whether it could bring good and a noteworthy happening or an adverse occurrence. In other words, exploring the never-ending queries that come to her mind is what makes her personality an avid â€Å"truth seeker† to find the real significance of her surroundings. For a better comprehension about where her life revolves around and to what principle does it lie, her play entitled â€Å"The Darker Face of the Earth† explains how Dove exploits the story Oedipus Rex for her own purpose.As a writer who delves into the stone of knowledge, she brings more insightful prospects with regard to the contemporary issues arising from her community—trying to compare the huge difference or similarity between all characters of the two stories, The Darker Face of the Earth and Oedipus Rex.Significance of the Play ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’Her notion concerning the mixture of races leads her to creating a more compelling play, which she entitled ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’ (Pereira). Hence, her views concern marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race. Such a perspective comes from the event, which has taken place in th e late 20th century America (â€Å"History of slavery in America starts in 15th century Europe: The Cincinnati Enquirer,† Bauer).As an analysis of the play’s title, Dove picks it from one of the lines in the play depicting sexual intercourse between two different races—White and Black: â€Å"When the pear blossoms / cast their pale faces on / the darker face of the earth† (1st ed. 76). Augustus, a mulatto (the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person) delivers this line as he explicates about his notion on miscegenation. A variety of scholars that criticize the play focuses more on the usage of ‘cast’ in the line, which connotes that the presence of insult while using the â€Å"pale faces† on â€Å"darker face(s)† is inevitable.Therefore, the line is obviously a representation of rapes done by the white men to the number of black women prior to the American Civil War. Such coercive intercourse between a wh ite person and a member of another race is emotionally or psychologically untroubled in the play. For a better comprehension, such kind of relationship is shown in the play where Amalia, the white plantation mistress, finds the way to having a sexual intercourse with the slave Hector.As a result, the existence of Augustus, the mulatto, is just inevitable. Based on the play, his mother Amalia willingly finds measures only to obtain a sexual intercourse with Hector in response to her husband Louis, who have raped slave girls (1st ed. 14-16).The Darker Face of the Earth begins the flow of its story with the Augustus’s natal day to Amalia Jennings LaFarge, a white slave mistress, from a sexual intercourse with the black slave Hector. Augustus is obviously born with combined characteristics of more than one kind—White and Black races.With stormy or turbulent characteristics, Louis LaFarge makes way so that people may never acknowledge Augustus as Amalia’s child. The couple tells the people that her child died at birth in spite of the fact that a doctor takes him away with an aim at raising baby Augustus as a slave. Consequently, Hector becomes devastated by grief. Helplessly, he does not know what to do with his life; anguish overshadows his life for a number of years.Augustus’s fatherly white master gives him the twenty years of education and various kinds of journey from different places; hence, he experiences combined cultural aspects. No later than this period, the white master brings the twenty-year old Augustus to the Jennings even though he knows that this son of Amalia had an insurrection lately. Unknowing that Amalia is his mother for he has once told that he was a child of a slave woman, who had been raped by his white master; he begins an affair with his biological mother.Nevertheless, there is one slave woman named Phebe who desires an affair with him but it does not take too long as another slave Scylla tells him about the p ossible outcome of their affair that would lead him in a certain demise. He listens to what Scylla tells him; however, he unintentionally kills Hector when he becomes involved in a rebellion. He does not know that Hector is his biological father to Amalia; thus, he puts his father to certain demise in order to prevent him from divulging the machination, which has just taken place between him and Amalia.Ultimately, he has been ordered to kill Amalia that makes him troubled. However, he thinks Louis LaFarge is his father so he kills him. In spite of that fact, Amalia tells him the reality, and whilst in a good position of doing so, her son learns that she and Hector are his parents—a fact that he has just learned and realized to be all machinated.As an analysis of such circumstances, it becomes quite easy to learn that there is the presence of sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race; hence, a mulatto or the first-generation offspring of a black pe rson and a white person comes to existence—Augustus, the son of whom he links to.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœThe Darker Face of the Earth’ and ‘Oedipus Rex’The Darker Face of the Earth is a narration of Sophocles’s drama entitled ‘Oedipus Rex’ that is shaped from the image of a pre-Civil War plantation near Charleston, South Carolina. Like Oedipus Rex, the play harmoniously relates the loveliness and royalty of the old concept of legendary conspiracy as Dove portrays the surpassing authority, an underlying cause of change when it comes to erotic occurrences. Moreover, the play is not created from the Oedipus myth but also from the real events of slavery in the 15th century America (â€Å"History of slavery in America starts in 15th century Europe: The Cincinnati Enquirer,† Bauer).One of the most significant events happens in the play is that concerns with the critical scene in which Amalia interviews Augustus, her newly purchased slave (â€Å"Th e Darker Face of the Earth: Completely Revised Second Edition,† Dove). Amalia listens as the new slave sings â€Å"the sorrow songs,† and explaining, â€Å"They don't need a psalm book.† (2nd ed. 82). Notwithstanding his explication, he gives assurance on his own literacy; lists the books of his formative education: â€Å"Milton. The Bible. / And the Tales of the Greeks† (2nd ed. 83). Amalia holds the book and reads about â€Å"Tales of the Greeks†.While reading the contents, Amalia tries to narrate the latest event, which she learned through both newspaper and word of mouth accounts particularly when it comes to the story of slavery. However, she revises some of the events happened in the history in order to make it suitable to her present life. As the conversation of the two continues, Augustus narrates his personal history about slavery (2nd ed. 89-90). Meanwhile, they listen to Amalia’s husband, Louis LaFarge in his room while reading the night sky for portents (2nd ed. 87-88). Therefore, as a result, such a scene brings about the fact that Amalia and Augustus are embracing, according to Pereira (2003).Nevertheless, prior to such an embrace, Augustus turns poetical as he reads an imaginary past portraying Amalia’s views of his personal notion: â€Å"One soft spring night when the pear blossoms cast their pale faces on the darker face of the earth, Massa stood up from the porch swing and said to himself, â€Å"I think I'll make me another bright-eyed pick-aninny.† Then he stretched and headed for my mother's cabin.† (2nd ed. 92).Therefore, Augustus makes a certain fictionalized interpretation of his personal life by means of verbal imagery. This is to say that, such narration of his own life opposes much of the actual experiences and circumstances with regard to his nativity. Moreover, even though Augustus is indeed a child who is born by the union of combined bloods—a white and a black sl ave, still it is a union of love, and is not achieved by force or threat or any act of compelling. Furthermore, as to his story, his mother is white while his father is black. Hence, the presence of an irony on his narration is obviously overshadowing the story.The Darker Face of the Earth has a similar involvement of sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that law forbids them to marry or the statutory crime of such a relationship. The practice of slavery by contradicting the marriage to the slave and by restraining sexual interest in intermediate relation to a slave and a master, contradicts authority to give the title father, mother, sister, or brother with conviction and reality.On the other hand, in Oedipus Rex, the so called, ‘King’ never mentions the name of his parents because of his ‘sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that law forbids them to marry’ or ‘the statutory crime of such a relationship’ and t he act of murdering his or her father, mother, or a close relative (Sterren, M.D.). Therefore, The Darker Face of the Earth remains bold and strong without the presence of a king or Oedipus Rex.The Darker Face of the Earth comes after the prototype but not the story line of Oedipus Rex. Based on comparison of the two stories, Sophocles begins the flow of his story with the vision of a comprehensive constitutional king or queen. For a better comprehension, Oedipus appears as a stranger to his city, which is under his rules. Moreover, Thebes is permitted as a right or privilege by the former king in terms of marriage as a sort of recompense for solving an enigma in a murderous Sphinx.The story begins with the appearance of tranquility; however, the entire city is ravaged by the plague. In addition, Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother. However, Dove begins his play with the birth of an Oedipus—Augustus, the child of an African slave named Hector and Amalia Jennings.C onclusionWhen it comes to analyzing a variety of poems, dramas, and plays, a number of critics and scholars believe that The Darker Face of the Earth and Oedipus Rex make contemporary issues with regard to slavery and racial union a world of antiquity, which continues to revolve. Despite of the fact that two authors, Dove and Sophocles, create a harmonious flow of the story, yet the presence of some sorts of variation in terms of the story’s themes and lines become inevitable due to the environment or scene in which the characters move and play their roles. Dove’s 1994 play entitled ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’ mirrors numerous themes or artistic representations and certain machinations or contrivances, which take place in an ancient Greek play by Sophocles’s ‘Oedipus Rex’.In The Darker Face of the Earth, there is the presence of ignorance and anger as the issue that concerns with slavery is much concerned. Intelligence never complete s this play, as the characters seem to be marked by a lack of restraint although some events are not coercive. However, there is the presence of these themes in Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex; intelligence overshadows the characters, as they do every thing in accordance with the right way— no merciless qualities. In both plays, fortune obviously works as the protagonists act as victims while doing the part of voluntary agents. Hence, the fortune of every individual works out with his personal behavior without focusing on his culture. Although Oedipus and Augustus exist in different ways, yet they have the choice to control their fortune.

System enginnering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

System enginnering - Essay Example While artistic concepts have been retained from pre enlightenment period, analytical concepts of engineering are modern. One of the systems engineering principles that Griffin applies in his paper is maintenance of â€Å"integrity of the system† to ensure purpose (Leffingwell and Widrig, p. 69). This is expressed in his argument that failure is inevitable in processes and cannot be controlled by â€Å"additional processes, safety measures and alerts† (Griffins, p. 5). Consequently, high level of integrity, both in a system’s development process and in the system’s components is essential in successful systems engineering (Griffins, p. 5, 7). This further identifies the principle of identification and management of systems’ needs, instead of establishing control measures to protect and sustain a system (Griffins, p. 5). Griffins’ definition of system’s engineering (p. 6) also identifies the system’s principles of identifying the problem to be solved and client’s needs from the system. He achieves this by identifying the engineering scope that involves satisfying specifications under constraints. He also addresses principles such as developments of, and adherence to plans, exploration of alternatives, and validation of processes through the scientific approach of process analysis (Griffins, p. 5-7; Leffingwell and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social Work with Children and Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Social Work with Children and Families - Essay Example Any arrangements contemplated in advance of the hearings will be guided by the welfare principle (Sendall, 238). The welfare principle is established by Section 1 of the Children Act 1989 and imposes a duty on local authorities and the courts to place the welfare of the child first and foremost in any proceedings involving a child’s â€Å"upbringing† or involving child maintenance of property matters (Children Act 1989, Section 1(1)). The pre-proceedings within the framework of the public law outline (PLO) was introduced by the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Volume 1. The Guidance establishes the steps to be taken when applying for either a care or supervision order. The pre-proceedings is essentially a â€Å"checklist† (Laming, 79). Thus, social workers must be able to provide the evidence upon which their decision for applying for a care or supervision order is based. The court will want to be informed of the work that has been conducted with the family. The evidence presented should also demonstrate that the parents have an understanding of the issues, the aims of intervention and the action taken and should also be informed of what the actions are up for review (Laming, 79). In other words, any arrangements made at this point must be clear and supported by logical evidence and must be demonstratively for the child’s welfare. In general, the PLO as described by the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations Vol. 1 is enabled by Section 7 of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970. By virtue of Section 7 of the 1970 Act, social workers and all local authorities are required to perform their social work duties with guidance from the Secretary of State for Education. Thus in issuing the Guidance, it is intended that case management is monitored so that each stage of the proceedings all issues are identified and progress made is officially recorded (Spray and Jowett, 167).   The pre-proceedings are aimed at the â€Å"earlier identification of the key issues through assessment† (Spray and Jowett, 167).  

The Safety Of Airport Security Scanners Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Safety Of Airport Security Scanners - Essay Example According to the article, there are currently two types of scanners used in airports to screen various travelers. The first type is the scanner that â€Å"employs millimeter wave technology, which delivers no ionizing radiation†Ã‚   The other type is the scanner that â€Å"uses backscatter X-rays that expose the individual being screened to very low levels of ionizing radiation† (Radiological Society of North America par. 1). To determine the effect of low levels of ionizing radiation, one decided to confirm other studies on the subject and the article published in the ScienceDaily on low levels of ionizing radiation indicate that a report from the National Academies' National Research Council have indicated that â€Å"the committee's thorough review of available biological and biophysical data supports a "linear, no-threshold" (LNT) risk model, which says that the smallest dose of low-level ionizing radiation has the potential to cause an increase in health risks to h umans†. This article confirmed the risks involved in low levels of ionizing radiation, however, since it was published in 2005, the reliability and applicability could be diminished.According to the article, there are currently two types of scanners used in airports to screen various travelers. The first type is the scanner that â€Å"employs millimeter wave technology, which delivers no ionizing radiation†Ã‚   The other type is the scanner that â€Å"uses backscatter X-rays that expose the individual being screened to very low levels of ionizing radiation† (Radiological Society of North America par. 1). To determine the effect of low levels of ionizing radiation, one decided to confirm other studies on the subject and the article published in the ScienceDaily on low levels of ionizing radiation indicate that a report from the National Academies' National Research Council have indicated that â€Å"the committee's thorough review of available biological and bioph ysical data supports a "linear, no-threshold" (LNT) risk model, which says that the smallest dose of low-level ionizing radiation has the potential to cause an increase in health risks to humans†. This article confirmed the risks involved in low levels of ionizing radiation, however, since it was published in 2005, the reliability and applicability could be diminished. The article being reviewed was actually effective in providing a balanced discourse by first presenting the arguments of Brenner, to wit: â€Å"given that up to one billion such scans per year are now possible in the U.S, we should have concerns about the long-term consequences of an extremely large number of people being exposed to a potential radiation-induced cancer risk, no matter how slight†.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Emotional Intelligence and Employee Productivity Essay

Emotional Intelligence and Employee Productivity - Essay Example Scientific literature is filled with innumerable definitions and descriptive models of the term at hand; however, the ability and trait EI models are the most widely recognized to be the pertinently valid models of emotional intelligence measurement and description. There has been considerable chatter on the notion that whether emotional intelligence is indeed real or is it merely a subsection of the basic human intelligence; and if it has additional applicability over the conventional Intelligence Quotient and the major five personality facets. (Kluemper 2008, 8) This puts forward another question i.e. how can emotional intelligence be measured which would help us decide that who is more emotionally intelligent? Researchers came up with two basic modeled EQ tests. One of them is called the ability-based measure of EQ and test taker goes through maximal conditions whereas the self-report measure is conducted in ordinary conditions. The first model that will be discussed is commonly k nown amongst literary circles as the ability-based model. This model incorporates emotions in the simplex as the appropriate avenues of information that help the test taker understand as well as properly traverse through the social society that they find themselves in; either in the workplace or at school or even at home. The basic proposition constitutes that every individual varies from one another in their ability to understand and compute information in an emotional genre as well as connect the emotional procession of information with their overall intellect and understanding. This attitude is seen in a certain set of behavioral traits and actions. Salovey and Mayer divide emotional intelligence abilities into four areas -- in their four branch model: (Mayer et al 1997, 4) The ability to correctly preempt emotions. The ability to utilize emotions for assisting the thinking process. The ability to understand emotional connotations. The ability to manage emotions.

Project paper and Feasibility Paper Research Proposal

Project paper and Feasibility Paper - Research Proposal Example The primary independent variable is desire for social acceptance because drinking is such an important part of American society and all the social events and celebrations, that teenagers just can’t separate themselves from it and thus begin drinking at an early age and become victims of accidental injuries and death when they drive after drinking. The primary dependent variable is underage drinking, which is a cause of increasing concern amongst American socialists and policy makers, considering its alarming effects on teenagers health, their academic and occupational performance, sexual behaviors, and most importantly the increasing number of traffic accidents. According to statistics published by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2007, 31 percent of young drivers (between the ages of 15 and 20) who were killed in traffic accidents had blood alcohol concentrations of 001g/dl. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in the United States (more than illicit drugs and tobacco). The American Medical Association states that approximately 11 million American youth consume alcohol, of which 11 percent are people between the ages 12 to 20. A 2007 survey conducted by the Youth Risk Behavior revealed that approximately 45 percent of all highà ‚  school  students drank some amount of alcohol, of which 26 percent binge drank and 11 percent drove under the influence of alcohol. The primary independent variable causing underage drinking is social acceptance. When teenagers enter college, they experience a new sense of freedom being away from home and they begin interacting with more people and attend more social events. The glamorous way in which drinking is portrayed in advertisements, movies and all media generally, has made drinking an integral part of celebrations and having fun. Thus no social event and teenage party is complete without alcohol and the teens start drinking

Systems and Operations Management Recommendations Essay

Systems and Operations Management Recommendations - Essay Example 4-7). Operations management involves various manufacturing processes such as supervising, designing, and managing so that the business functions can come under redesign for the production of goods and services. Operations management also makes sure that minimum resources come under utilization in the process of production so that it can become efficient and the business strategies come under effective implementation. Besides, the operations management administers the inputs (particularly in the form of materials, labor, and energy) that come under conversion to output (in the shape of outcome that is goods and services) in an effective and efficient manner (Kumar and Suresh, 2009, pp. 9-11). On the other hand, Systems management is the overall administration and management of the organizations information technology distributed systems. ... This company established its business operations in the early decade of 1960 in Sydney, Australia with the core service provider of photocopying. With the success in the photocopying business, Lachlan (the founder) expanded its business operations and started out as Atokowaâ„ ¢ printing and they reproduced copies for different organizations (Lord Ashcroft International Business School, 2012). Today, Atokowaâ„ ¢ Advantage deals and trade a wide range of stationery and office supplies to individuals and businesses (which are the two distinct types of customers they cater). From their widespread businesses, they now own several retail outlets from where they deliver stationery and office supplies directly to organizations. Additionally they also carry out customized printing upon request for different enterprises. Atokowa also prints brochures, flyers, letterheads, business cards, memo slips, and various other products (Lord Ashcroft International Business School, 2012). With the success and growth of the business, the vision came to cognizance to become the one-stop shop for stationery and office supplies. However, with the passage of time, the vision broadened and the focus towards technology was driven. Atokowa widened their focus and initiated the trading of Commodore 64 and the IBM PC 5100 (one of the technological advancements at that time). Moreover, the company continued their interest in technology and provided a range of information technology products in their retail outlets for their customers (Lord Ashcroft International Business School, 2012). Systems and Operations Management Analysis and Evaluation The systems and operations management analysis and evaluation comes under practice that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Models and Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Business Models and Planning - Essay Example Of course, this meant that the market was viable. With about 99.99% of the market untapped, there was a great business opportunity for Chase and partner. More drivers would soon need the services so that business idea was highly viable, and there would be great returns (Hart et al., 2005). The main competitors were Swiss Mobility CarSharing-it had 1400 cars at the moment-and Stadtauto. The latter had only 300 cars. The former had a membership of 30,000 people, and operated in some 700 locations and was mostly concentrated in expanding in Switzerland. Drive Stadtauto had about 7,500 members and did operate in 110 locations. Other competitors were only potential in that they had not already set shop. They included CommunAuto, Car-Sharing Inc. and FlexCar. To differentiate it, Chase and partner focused on cost effectiveness and convenience when other companies focused more on environmental impact. They priced their services relatively cheaper and had diverse products when other competitors concentrated on just one or two products (Hart et al., 2005). Chase and partner used a catchy name-Zipcar. The name communicated their intention so that customers readily related to their services and the core rationale behind their idea; which was basically to share ownership of cars at individual convenience. They employed low-budget advertising techniques. For instance, they got 40% of their customers through word of mouth and referrals where already registered members referred others. Public relations also came in handy for them since they got 25% of their customers through this tactic. They also employed guerrilla grassroots efforts of marketing. Members advertised the services even without knowing they did through well-crafted logos that conveyed environment conservation (Hart et al., 2005). Chase ensured that communication was passed through the websites. She emphasized on quality, convenience, low costs and the

A review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A review - Article Example She sheds light on the uneasy relationship of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Second Language Acquisition (SAL) processes and gives an account of the present state of the art and points towards the new and challenging directions of SAL. Chapelle writes â€Å"The point of departure for this article is the dissimilarity between the theoretical landscape within view of language teaching professionals in 1991 and that of today†. (p.741)The pragmatic goal of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) developers and researchers to create and evaluate learning opportunities and a variety of theoretical approaches to second language acquisition (SLA) which have developed, are alternative beats of the same heart. The multiple theoretical perspectives grouped into four general approaches support this perspective as elucidated by Chapelle who writes: â€Å"Cognitive linguistic (Universal Grammar, autonomous induction theory, and the concept-oriented approach); psycholinguistic (processibility theory, input processing theory, interactionist theory); human learning (associative-cognitive CREED, skill acquisition theory); and language in social context (sociocultural, language socialization, conversation analysis, systemic-functional, complexity theory)† ( p.741). Technological advances and internet revolution and the resultant changes have necessitated modifications of communicative competitive theory and this has proffered a direct challenge to Second Language Acquisition (SLA). This theory lays much emphasis on natural talents and process through which a student undergoes, than in instructed SLA. As per this theory, the learning process goes on without the student being actively conscious of it. The process is just like the elementary command on the mother-tongue exercised by a child even before going to school and that process of self-education goes within the perimeters of the household and immediate

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Development Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Development Aid - Essay Example Such countries began to borrow capital from other well to do rich countries to start developing their own economies and thus began the concept of Development Aid. There has been a lot of monetary transfer between the poor countries and the developed countries with regard to the development aid. Development Aid was made mandatory by the United Nations in the year 1946 to ensure that the countries which were destroyed and affected adversely during the World-War II, to recover from their state. The concept of providing Development Aid was to help the third world countries recover from their poverty and help them come on to the path of progress. Development Aid was meant to be the means of maintaining a peace accord between two rival countries affected by war for quite some time. Development Aid helps countries to develop and progress instead of sliding back into the stages of conflicts and war. Development Aid also termed as foreign aid was meant to promote improvement in economic growth of the third world countries and to bridge the gap between the poor and rich. ... r the domestic economy were taken up by a new breed of development economists who argued that investment in less developed countries could be stimulated by injections of cash from overseas. The logic of this new development theory was simple: investments are determined by savings - and savings are determined by per capita income. Since poor countries have low incomes and accordingly, low savings, they are caught in a 'vicious circle of poverty': they experience a 'low-level equilibrium trap' where higher income does not lead to increased saving but only results in higher population growth. Thus, it was argued, investment financed by foreign aid will dissolve this vicious circle and connect the less developed countries to the virtuous circle of productivity and growth. Pros and Cons Good Governance is the latest term being used for the diplomatic as well as the bilateral issues of Development Aid. Good Governance is a term which is very common amongst the general public with regard to Development Aid; mostly hearing at public speeches or through some media like the television, the newspaper, etc. Good Governance as told is like a diplomatic and bilateral condition in multi aid proposals (O'Neill, 1997). Bilateral issues in multi-aid proposals include the two countries coming to a common understanding between each other, signing some pacts which would have to be followed in the following times after the pacts have been signed. Many people and governments are of the opinion that Good governance is an integral concept and entity to improve the flow of aid thereby proving to be a bolster to the economic growth of a country as well as a means to alleviate poverty from that particular country. Many have different views about good governance which might mean different things


BUILDING YOUR MARKETING PLAN (COOKIECRAZE) - Term Paper Example CookieCraze will forever maintain relationships of mutual trust and integrity with all business partners and communities. CookieCraze has over two years of experience as a home-run bakery and thus has topnotch recipes, trained chef and a niche clientele. Furthermore, CookiesCraze utilizes only the best ingredients which are requisitioned through established relationships with suppliers. According to the US census, there has been a rise in the rate of population growth. This offers an opportunity to the business because it implies that the business is in a market with an increasing number of consumers (Kim & Renee, 2005). The increasing working population is the most important for the business because most of the working people are busy and prefer carrying food to their places of work. Since CookieCraze is involved in creating delicious baked items especially cookies, the company will record a huge success in preparing packed food for its customers. The US has in recent years recorded high numbers in the demand for baked products especially cookies. This provides a perfect opportunity for the company to enter into a growing market and attract a sizeable number of customers. In addition, the US consumers often change their tastes and preferences. This is a threat to the business because of the high costs of making responses. Majority of US consumers believe that baked products have high sugar content also pose a threat to the business mainly because very sweet hence may impart negatively on the operations of the business. This is because our company’s products will be viewed as unhealthy (Daft & Dorothy, 2008). Consequently, this may reduce the demand because cookies are prepared from sugar products. In recent times, the US government has liberalized trade in sugar containing products such as cookies. This is a threat to the business because it creates an influx of foreign cheap products hence hindering domestic companies such as CookieCraze

Monday, September 23, 2019

Freud on Civilization and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Freud on Civilization and Religion - Essay Example Naturally, civilization and religion have held the interest of many philosophers and sociologists alike. The well-known Austrian psycho-analyst and neurologist Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) was one of them, who held the view that mankind would be better off without belief in God - "It would be an undoubted advantage if we were to leave God out altogether and admit the purely human origins of all the precepts and regulations of civilization." (PBS 2). This essay shall briefly discuss the basis on which Freud places his argument to denounce civilization and religion, in the book â€Å"The Future of an Illusion† (1928). Freud scorns at any attempt to differentiate between culture and civilization; they provide on with two aspects of the same thing – the mastering of natural forces by collectively acquired knowledge and power to satisfy man’s individual needs and, in order to facilitate and distribute/regulate â€Å"attainable riches† (Freud 8-9). And cul ture or civilization selectively permits certain actions and condemns some others which lead to â€Å"privations† – in other words they are the frustrations caused by unfulfilled instincts, like incest, cannibalism etc (Freud 17). These â€Å"external compulsions† become â€Å"internalized† in the process of forma â€Å"super-ego† (Freud 18) which then judges within a wide range of such acquired information as to what is permissible and what isn’t permissible. This then becomes the greatest tool in the hands of culture or civilization.... Religion, Civilization and Freud According to Freud, man has devised the concept of God - a father-figure whom he dreads and always reveres, seeks to propitiate, and looks to for constant protection as the consequence of his own human limitations and weaknesses. Religion, therefore is born out of culture, primarily due to "the necessity for defending itself against the crushing supremacy of nature;" secondly, there was a pressing need to correct the perceived "imperfections of culture" (Freud 37). His perception of religion and its origins thus explained, he gradually builds his arguments against religion and civilization, stating that despite having had thousands of years to show what it can achieve, it has hardly done enough for mankind (Freud 60); and unlike scientific theories and laws, the dogmas or religion discourage testing and probe for proof, on grounds that they deserve to be believed, and they have been already tested and handed down since times of yore, and they were unquestionable (Freud 45). He deno unces these arguments stating for example, while the scientific theory that the earth is globe can be proved and its accuracy ascertained, religious dogmas were full of "contradictions, revisions, and interpolations; where they speak of actual authentic proofs they are themselves of doubtful authenticity" (Freud 46). Freud questions that if religious truths solely depended "on an inner experience" for proof, "what is one to make of the many people who do not have that rare experience" (Freud 49) He concludes of religions that they are "illusions, they do not admit of proof, and no one can be compelled to consider them as true or to believe in them." (Freud 55). Freud states

Dorian Gray- the uncanny Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dorian Gray- the uncanny - Essay Example it is only possible for the cynical modern man, in all his busy activity, to learn from directly experiencing the consequences of acting without thought or presuming too much thought into what should instead be an action. This is spelled out in the essay and then acted out in personified form in the novel. In relating these concepts to the world of art, it is important to remember that Wilde’s concept of art was that it should be something experienced thoughtfully as an object of pure beauty rather than an interpretation of the artist’s values – an artistic instinct fed by spiritual inspiration. â€Å"Emotion for the sake of emotion is the aim of art, and emotion for the sake of action is the aim of life, and of that practical organization of life that we call society† (Gilbert). These ideas regarding the artistic ideal are clearly spelled out through the words of Gilbert in â€Å"The Critic as Artist† and are personified in the characters of Lord H enry Wotton (instinct), Basil Hallward (conscience) and Dorian Gray (object) in The Picture of Dorian Gray. In â€Å"The Artist as Critic,† Gilbert quickly illustrates why consciously imbuing art with symbolism and other purposeful value judgments is not the most desirable action to take; that the only true art must come into existence as the result of a perfect meld between instinct and conscience. He tells Ernest that those with the best intentions may end up being proven to have instead the worst effects while those who have intended to do great harm may similarly have enormously positive results. â€Å"[Men] rage against Materialism, as they call it, forgetting that there has been no material improvement that has not spiritualized the world, and that there have been few, if any, spiritual awakenings that have not wasted the world’s faculties in barren hopes, and fruitless aspirations, and empty of trammeling creeds† (Gilbert). In making this statement, Gilbert indicates that materialism, the lifestyle

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Legal Difficulties Faced by any US Based Multinational Corporation Essay

Legal Difficulties Faced by any US Based Multinational Corporation - Essay Example In the global market, it is heartbreaking for an exporting and manufacturing business when its patent, trademark, brand name and even business plans are copied by some businesses in other countries and as a result, it loses the benefits that they aim at. Many businesses are not careful in protecting its intellectual properties. the global market, it is heartbreaking for an exporting and manufacturing business when its patent, trademark, brand name and even business plans are copied by some businesses in other countries and as a result, it loses the benefits that they aim at. Many businesses are not careful in protecting its intellectual properties. This summary points out some strategies that a business can use to protect its intellectual properties in order to keep patent and trademark unique. A tort has been defined as a wrongful act against an individual or body corporate and his, her or its property which gives rise to a civil claim (David Kelly, Ann E. M. Holmes, Ruth Hayward--). A broad area of tort law has been developed regarding the responsibility of employer towards employees and third parties who are affected by employee’s doing while they are in the workplace. Negligence is an important tort because it is constantly growing in the social and economic change. It has been stated in the participation by Michael Seymour that ‘a tort is defined as a negligent or intentional civil wrong not arising out of a contract or statute’. A tort may injure someone in the workplace or not due to employee’s actions and for which the injured party may sue the  wrongdoer for damages. So, the main object of the tort of negligence is to provide compensation to the injured person. Torts that can impact a workplace include negligence, false imprisonment assault, battery, inertial misrepresentation, and malicious prosecution. Negligence on the part of a manufacturer, for example, some manufacturers of China as it is discussed everywhere will cause serious issues and noises both inside and outside the manufacturer. As a manufacturer, it must necessarily ensure that the product is safe and it is up to the level promised to the public. There are products defectively designed by manufacturers that cause either injuries or even dissatisfaction of the ultimate consumers.

Its Time to End Pet Misery Year 11 Draft Essay Example for Free

Its Time to End Pet Misery Year 11 Draft Essay In the opinion piece ‘Let’s End Pet Misery’, featured in the Herald Sun on the 21st of July 2009, writer Susie O’Brien responds to the issue of animal cruelty in Victoria. In an outraged tone, the writer pleads with pet lovers and everyone else alike to support a new bill that aims to make animal desexing compulsory, reducing the rates of unwanted offspring and acts of animal cruelty committed against these animals. The writer begins her argument with the use of alliteration paired with a cliche. â€Å"A single stroke of the pen can save †¦ pets from a short life of misery. † The alliteration of the two words ‘single’ and ‘stroke’ draws more focus to the cliche; ‘a single stroke of a pen’. This emphasises how easily the problem could be solved, angering the reader due to the little that has been done to solve the problem. This technique also works to instil guilt within the reader, making it more likely for them to take action in assisting the cause, thereby supporting the writer’s contention to support the compulsory desexing of pets. One technique the writer uses is a frightening statistic that has been juxtaposed in a larger text. â€Å"In Victoria alone, 300 dogs are put down every day. That’s †¦ more than 100,000 a year. † This unbelievably shocking statistic is a perfect technique to support the writer’s contention. It is able to appeal to the fear and concern of pet lovers and all other citizens alike. This statistic works very well to draw the reader’s attention, due to its intelligent position just below the heading, and works to ‘recruit’ more people to the cause, as most would be unable to stop reading after being confronted with such a statistic. Additionally, it would inspire more people to support the writer’s contention and take action to stop all this death. One of the writer’s strongest persuasive technique is the use of a widely known anecdote paired with strong, emotive language. â€Å"In a devastating attack, someone †¦ hacked off his ears and tail and then left him to die in pain. † Through the use of the well-known story about Buckley, an eight week old Victorian puppy, the writer’s argument is strengthened in the eyes of many readers, as a majority of them would have heard of the story, and resented the horrific act of animal cruelty. Her argument is again reinforced by several instances of colourful language. Phrases like ‘hacked off’ and ‘die in pain’ don’t exaggerate the malevolence of the crime, but instead work to give the reader a clearer image of the vile act. This then makes the reader feel more strongly about the issue, making it more likely they do something about it. The strong use of visual media paired with the article is successful in giving the story an even greater effect; working as the figurative ‘icing’ on the argument. The largest image; that revealing the extent of Buckley’s shocking injuries, is a perfect accompaniment to the text, giving the reader a true idea of the result of his terrible wounds. Additionally, the images of pets behind bars, with their innocent eyes, and somewhat fearful expression makes the reader compare them to prisoners whom have been wrongly accused; forced to live a life of confinement for another’s crimes. These elements make readers wish to take action; ending the injustice, and is effective in supporting the writer’s contention. The opinion piece, â€Å"Let’s End Pet Misery,† is effective in persuading readers to support the author’s pledge to introduce a law making the desexing of pets compulsory. Whilst using a highly angered tone, the writer uses alliteration in conjunction with a cliche to give readers a greater idea of how appalling the government’s inaction is. The writer also shocks her readers through the use of an alarming statistic, revealing the true magnitude of the deaths of unwanted animals. Furthermore, the use of a terrifying anecdote used together with colourful language, as well as the images in the piece alert readers to the severity of the situation and appeal to one’s empathy, ultimately encouraging us to share an equally outraged view.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Research Paper on Plato Essay Example for Free

Research Paper on Plato Essay Abstract Many Philosophers made a difference in society but Plato is perhaps recognized as the most famous. His writings have had a profound effect on people, politics, and the philosophy throughout the centuries. He was a public figure and he made major contributions to society. Plato helped to lay the philosophical foundations of modern culture through his ideas and writings. One of the most philosophical thinkers of Western civilization, Plato is the only author from ancient Greek times whose writings survive intact. His collection consists of thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters, though the authorship of some is contested. Plato was born in Athens, into a prosperous aristocratic family. His Father’s name was Ariston and his Mother’s name was Perictione. His relative named Glaucon was one of the best-known members of the Athenian nobility. Platos name was Aristocles, his nickname Plato originates from wrestling circles, Plato means broad, and it probably refers either to his physical appearance or his wrestling style. â€Å"Plato is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy,† (Kraut, 2009). Plato was born during the Golden Age of Athens’s which saw the birth of classical architecture, drama, arts and politics. However, as he was growing up he observed the decline of Athens as a cultural center. He witnessed instances of cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonesty and it was in clear violation of his values. It was also during this time that Plato fell under the influence of Socrates, who engaged the people of Athens in philosophical discussions. â€Å"It was into this bright, sly, worldly atmosphere that Socrates appeared, moving questioningly about the streets of Athens†. (Plato 1984). In 339 Socrates was brought to trial and charged with having false Gods and corrupting the youth. Socrates was found guilty on the charge and was sentenced to death. The execution of Socrates weighed heavily on Plato and he turned away from politics, he thought the behavior of the courts was unjust. He decided not to get involved in political life, instead he decided to leave Athens with other friends of Socrates to travel and study. During his travels he met with all kinds of people and studied not only philosophy but geometry, astronomy, and religious teachings. Socrates was extremely influential to Plato and he was the main character in numerous writings, he was also influenced by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. One of the most important goals Plato set for himself was to keep the memory of Socrates alive by recording and bringing about the kind of impact that Socrates had on people. Nearly all of Plato’s work takes the structure of dialogues in which Socrates is usually the main character. One of the goals of a Plato’s dialogue is to engross the reader in philosophical questions related to the ideas being discussed. The Socrates of the Platonic dialogues is modeled after the real Socrates but it is in part an imaginary character used to impart Platonic themes. Plato’s dialogues are divided into three groups, the early or Socratic dialogues; the dialogues of middle age; and the dialogues of old age. In the early dialogues, Socrates is the main character, but it is generally believed that Plato is expressing his own views. These are the only remaining dialogues of Socrates teachings hence; they are referred to as the Socratic dialogues. In The Apology Socrates was accused of having false gods and corrupting the youth. While on trial Socrates claimed that he was innocent and was not at all wise, â€Å"Men of Athens, I honor and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life and strength I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy Understand that I shall never alter my ways, not even if I have to die many times. † (Plato 1984). Middle Dialogues During Platos middle period he wrote the following, Meno, Republic, Euthydemus, Menexenus, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Symposium and Phaedo. The most important difference between these writings and his earlier works is that he is establishing his own voice in philosophy. In the Meno Plato introduces us to the Socratic idea that no one knowingly does wrong, â€Å"Virtue is the desire of things honourable and the power of attaining them. † Plato (1984). In the Phaedo we become familiar with the platonic doctrine of the Forms; this is where Plato makes a claim as to the immortality of the soul. Platos most influential work, The Republic, is part of the middle dialogues. It is a discussion of the virtues of justice, courage and wisdom. It addresses the question of how do humans approach living a good life. The dialogue finishes by looking at various forms of government and describing the ideal state. The allegory of the â€Å"Myth of the Cave† is also in The Republic it is an important writing because it contains the main points of his philosophy. It is intended to be a metaphor for education and it explains issues regarding the theory of knowledge. Plato believed one must explore the belief that a greater reality exists. It is through this belief that a person can gain greater insight into true reality and become enlightened. Without it we are like the prisoners of a cave who only see the shadows of objects and live in complete darkness. â€Å"And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened, behold! Human beings living in an underground den† (Plato 1927). It is only through philosophy that we can come out of the cave into the true world. â€Å"Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or true philosophers? (Plato 1927) His final years at the Academy he wrote the later dialogues which included the Parmenides, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesmas, Timaeus, Critias, Philebus, and Laws. It should be noted that Socrates has a minor role in these writings. Plato examines his metaphysical theories through these dialogues. He discusses art, dance, music, poetry, drama, and ethics in connection to immortality and the mind. He also dedicates himself to the philosophy of mathematics, politics and religion. Plato argued that women were qualified to play a role in politics and philosophy. In The Republic, Socrates argued that women were as capable as men in pursuit of accomplishments. There is a suggestion that women should be educated for their roles in the class of guardians and possibly work next to men. A woman’s role could be significant in society, but different from a man’s role. Even though Plato believed that women were necessary in a working society, he did not mean he thought women were equals of men. Plato thought that women lacked the strength of men and that women were more suited for other responsibilities in life. â€Å"If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. † (Plato 1927) The impact of Plato’s work cannot be measured or calculated. His writings had great influence on the entire intellectual development of Western civilization. Despite the fact that Plato did not leave a well-formed, rigid philosophical system he is considered the father for all forms of philosophical idealism and dualism. â€Å"The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful. † (Plato 1984). After he died the Academy continued until AD 529, when it was closed due to its pagan teachings. Neo-Platonism, founded by the 3rd-century philosopher Plotinus, was an important development of Platonism. It was a philosophical system which was as a combination of Platonic, Pythagorean, and Aristotelian elements. Originally it was opposed to Christianity but later on it integrated it. It dominated European thought until the 13th century and re-emerged during the Renaissance. The most important Renaissance Neo-Platonist was â€Å"Marsilio Ficino† who developed significant ideas from Plato and Neo-Platonism. Ficino founded of the Academy in Firenze and was responsible for the circulation of Neo-Platonic ideas. Ficino is credited with translating all of Platos’ dialogues into Latin and produced a great work called Platonic Theology, in which he outlines Neo-Platonism. His philosophy is based on the doctrine that the human soul is the center of the cosmos. It is the only thing that sits between the world of ideas and the world is the soul. Neo-Platonism was revived in the 17th century by the Cambridge Platonists such as Cudworth and Smith. The school stressed the importance of reason, maintaining that faith and reason are not that different. Rene Descartes an 18th century philosopher and Neo-Platonist developed a method to achieve truths. If something is not recognized by the intellect or reason can be classified as knowledge. According to Descartes. These truths are gained without any sensory experience (Descartes). He argued that as a result of his method, reason alone determined knowledge and that this could be done independently of the senses. â€Å"Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I exist† (Descartes) Plato developed an absolutist ethical theory which is that there is a greater good toward which to aspire. He developed this theory to respond to the skepticism and the beliefs of the Sophists who Plato felt did not preach wisdom, but rather their opinions. Plato tried to protect the part of reasoning in human life though he had resistance from the ancient Greek preachers know as the Sophists. They came from different cities and proclaimed that they were able to impart knowledge to young men how to live prosperous lives. Even though the Sophists did not belong to a school and did not have a common creed, some opinions were typical of them as a group and were absolutely conflicting to the views of Plato. The Sophists were great communicators and skilled public speakers. Plato felt that the Sophists were more likely to appeal to emotions rather than to reason. According to Plato philosophers influence people’s souls not their bodies and Plato agreed with Socrates in thinking that the nurturing of the soul is more vital than the nurturing of the body. Furthermore, he also believed that true leaders need to have wisdom, and knowledge. Platos influence has been monumental as one philosopher said the history of philosophy is simply a series of footnotes to Plato. (Whitehead) Platos has been criticized down through the centuries for his philosophy of the forms. His ideas of the just life and an ideal state are complex. Plato tended to specifically ignores much of human nature. Plato did not think in the realm of the physical world, he was always looking to a different one where things exist only if he can prove there existence. References Kraut, R. (2009, Sept) Plato Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/plato; Plato. (1984) Great dialogues of Plato New York: Mentor Books trans. by Benjamin Jowett Blackburn, S. (1945) The republic of Plato. (45 ed. ). London: Oxford University Press, USA. trans. By Desmond Lee Descartes. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-works; Alfred North Whitehead. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/whitehead/

Effects of Natural Disasters | Essay

Effects of Natural Disasters | Essay Disaster can be categorized according to many situations like it can be defined as the state of war that communities react globally against aggression. It can be an expression of vulnerability. We can also say that disaster is a state of uncertainty. Thus the consequences of any kind of disaster are so great that they cant be ignored and the responsibility comes to the government account. SAMPLE DISASTERS The disaster can be of any kind. We can say any unlike activity. It may be according to natural forces for example earthquakes, flooding, extreme temperature, environmental hazards, fires, cyclones. It can be technical failures causing the system pause and also the ongoing activities cease. Disaster can be graded as a human interference like crimes and explosion. Now a day globally we are exposed to all kind of disasters including both geographical and humanly created mess. Like flood that come in Chicago in April 13, 1992 destroyed 230 buildings and all the power supply was damaged badly. If we talk about the World trade Centre explosion in February 26, 1993 the destruction mainly affects the business in the centre and there was no margin to take precaution. The earthquake in San Francisco o 18, October, 1989 damaged the bay bridge which has stressed the business in the city because the bridge is collapsed and all business in the city was stopped. Similarly the hurricanes Andrew tha t arrived in the south Florida area made destruction to extents that end almost every activity. Thus disaster in any shape proven to be the worst experience no matter where it comes. Impact of Natural disaster on environment Natural disaster is any inevitable event that affects the environment. It not only results in mass loss of human lives but also adversely affect the economy of the region. Natural disasters have long history of occurrence which cannot be predicted, nor can it be avoided. Many researchers state that that disaster is interrupted the state in which social fabric is disrupted and becomes dysfunctional to a greater or lesser extent. Many recent disaster e.g. tsunami in Indian ocean in 2004, earth quake in Pakistan in 2005, and Haiti earthquake in 2010 are thoroughly discussed in print and electronic media, yet our understanding of its economic impact and recovery plan is quiet premature. This topic highlights the effects of natural disaster on a region. For the impacts and its metigation its very much important that we should know the magnitude of the disaster. The area that is directly affected and indirectly affected. Directly means the place where it actually happens and indirectly refers to the surrounding environment that is near with the disaster place. As in disaster the people move to other safe places for their survival. It stresses the other city in every account like to manage the space, food, and other life facilities to start their normal life again. PREPAREDNESS FOR DISASTER: For all these the government work and try very hard to cope up with situation. In some countries already disaster management cell are functional and in some countries we can see the law and order and they immediately respond to such dilemma. We also have such examples that there are recovery plans for disasters but the issues are that these plans are outdated. The trained people are less in number. It takes too much time to implement. Its not an easy task. Mostly we see that short term plans are prepared and acted on it. The requirement for the successful disaster management activity is the cooperation by the effected people as well as the rest of the society. So far we see all over the world people generously participate for the disasters and try really hard to help the effecties. They really come up with practical potentials that sort the worst matter. Monitoring is also important after the measures because the effected people settlement may take years. In the disaster area collect ive stress is being created. Like some places that are easily approachable and some are far enough for the team to reach there for rescue. The government should be clear where to place the emergency cell and how it will work and they must communicate properly to the effectives and rest of the society the methodology. So that the interested people to help the victims and they should know the reality too. All this information can be transmitted by the satellites, good telecommunication system in the area. NATURAL DISASTERS IN PAKISTAN Pakistan is the country that has esthetically beautiful landscapes featuring mountains. River plains, desert track and 960 Kilometer coastal area that exposed it to natural disasters. One of the reasons for disasters is that Pakistan is located in the region thats on the Indian plate that collides with the Eurasian plate and its not getting mature geographically up till now. Disaster cycles that are very common in the geographical history are predominantly flood, drought also persist, high intensity rain spell, earthquakes, cyclones and tsunami. Socially vulnerability and also the diseases are also the issues that to be deal with the natural disasters. Historically if we figure out the disasters and the number of people dead as a result and also the economic stress that Pakistan is facing then we can make analysis that its very usual within every five or ten years a big disaster hit any area and almost everything is destroyed, which can be the factor for its slow development. Due to these natural disasters Pakistani economical condition is very weak. Every year 3-4% of the budget is used for the rehabilitation from all the disasters. EARTHQUAKE: Like the earthquake in May 31, 1935 dead people reported were 60,000. After this much big disaster two earthquakes effecting less people struck the area in November 27, 1945 and December 28, 1974.The deaths reported were 4,000 and 4,700 respectively. Then up till 2005 no earthquake has strike the region but on October 5 the earthquake shaken the Northern side of Pakistan and has majorly destroyed the north side. More than 82,000 people were killed; 3.3 million people were left injured and homeless. All these incidences have place Pakistan in a very difficult situation. Everything was ruined badly and it took almost 5 to 10 years for rehabilitation. FLOOD: HISTORY: tells us that flood is affecting Pakistan area very frequently. Flood in 1950, 2,900 people were died, in Aug-1973 4, effected people were 800,000, flood in 2-Aug-1976 killed 5,566,000, in Jun-1977 people effected were 848, next year flood in Jul-1978 effects 2,246,000 people, similarly again the next year there was a flood affecting 1,000,000 poor people in august, then after 4 years gap flood came in 9-Aug effecting 6,184,418people, in Sep dead people were 12,324,024. Then again in 22-Jul-1995 flood death rated1,255,000 people and in 24-Aug-1996 dead people reported were 1,186,131.the history of flood does not end here. 3-Mar-1998 another flood destroys the area making1, 000 people to death. More over the flood destruction has added another year in the list like the flood of 2010 July- August. 2010 FLOOD: Now a days heavy monsoon rains have triggered flooding that has left over 1,500 people dead. The death toll may reach in the thousands as flooding has spread throughout the country and countless are missing due to flash floods and landslides. On top of this, more monsoon rains and flooding are on the way according to Pakistan meteorological department which may continue till end of August. Millions of homes in thousands of villages and towns have been destroyed. According to reports, over 13 Million people have been affected by this disaster more than the 2004 Indonesia Tsunami, 2005 Pakistan Earthquake, and 2010 Haiti Earthquake combined and destruction is increasing each day. Infrastructure such as dams, power stations, roads, bridges, schools, agriculture wells, and drinking water hand pumps have been severely damaged or destroyed. ECONOMICAL STATE OF PAKISTAN AFTER THE FLOOD DISASTER Economically Pakistan is a poor country and its economic growth faced a serious setback in fiscal year 2009 because of many factors such as the depressed consumer credit market, slow progress of public sector programmers, inflation, reduction in subsidies, threat of security, and instability in the state and energy crisis. Additionally, no attention was given to the agriculture sector. The exports declined by six percent and imports by 10 percent. The only thing that became a silver lining was the increment in remittances by 22%. Apart from ignorance, agriculture sector has shown credible results because of good weather. Major crops, wheat, rice and maize recorded impressive growth i.e. 7.7% against the target of 4.5%. Live stock and poultry also add to GDP as there was no viral disease this year. The economic condition is declining although positive efforts are made in this regard but due to the poor electricity condition and also the destruction of the infrastructure by the flood, the loss of many resource personals lives and their settled community now making it difficult for the country to sustain in the foreign market. As the infrastructure is totally destroyed so the import and transport is stopped. Even if there are temporary ways it is still a difficult task. Like helping people is more important in flood rather than import export. Food and living materials required on daily basis by the people, those who lost their everything, they are completely dependent on others for their survivals. Floods in the northern areas of Pakistan have caused devastating effects. Sindh province has been declared red alert for the upcoming floods. The Indus river flows from Indus to Karachi which has increased the threat to the villages and people living beside it. Authorities have evacuated more than half a million people to save their lives. One of the local said that Floods killed our people, they have ruined our homes and even washed away the graves of our loved ones. It is considered to be the worst floods in 80 years in the region which have killed at 1,600 people and affected about 12 million others. The president of Pakistan Mr Asif Ali Zardari who was on a foreign trip refused to take any criticism about the flood situation in Pakistan. He was of the opinion that he was being kept up to date about the relief efforts being made in the affected areas and the cabinet was directing the efforts. He further assured the assistance from his visiting countries i.e. UAE, France and UK, regarding the relief and rehabilitation of the flood effectiees. Mr President further said that, Im the one whos given all the powers from the presidency to the parliament. The parliament is in session the Senate is in session. Its the prime ministers responsibility, and hes fulfilling his responsibility. The point of concern here is that in Sindh two more days of rain are expected by the Pakistans meteorological office which could be dangerous and can cause high level of flood thus area is warned as red alert. Mr Amal Masud, the National Disaster Management Authority added that in the bad weather the relief operations are also effected thus helicopters could not fly to the affected areas for rescue and relief activities. Prime Minister Gilani declaring the 2010 flood as the worst Flood in Pakistans 63 year history and thus appealed for help from international organizations and has expected the locals to cooperate with the people helping them in this disaster. I would ask the international community to support and help Pakistan alleviate the sufferings of its flood-affected people, he said. Mr Gilani further added The next two days are very critical. Our top priority is to rescue people, to save their lives. But we will also provide them all facilities, and we will work for their rehabilitation. Much of the area along Indus River is submerged in the flood, still authorities have evacuated the rest of places to help people especially from the low-lying areas. Although some local famers were reluctant to leave their land and belongings but it was necessary to evacuate those places even by forcing them. The rescue mission is mainly headed by army and navy which will continue throughout the relief activities. In Sindh province more than half a million people have been evacuated. The Pakistans food supply will have long term effects due to the present floods as it has overwhelmed vast agricultural areas. Officials said it is the biggest disaster in the countrys history affecting 12 million people so far. The maximum level of water has reached in the Tarbela and Mangla dams which is a warning by engineers for the damage. Due to the breach of dam in northern Sindhs Kashmore district, thousands of residents took shelter on rooftops or in trees, it has also inundated large parts of the surrounding area with floodwater. The authorities are trying to prevent the breach of any other dam downstream, said by Shoaib Hasan in Karachi. One of the Pakistans largest gas field The Qadirpur is also threatened by the breach. Many people refused to leave their land, crops and homes which is a difficult moment even knowing the threat to further deluges. We are compelling them to evacuate because there is massive danger to their lives, Irrigation Minister Jam Saifullah Dharejo said. The current measure of the destroyed homes so far is 650,000, a 1.4m acre (557,000 hectares) of agricultural land has been flooded and 10,000 cows have died, declared by the officials. In comparison with the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, the present disaster 2010 flood was on a par, which killed almost 73,000 people badly damaged infrastructure. The flood affecties have been critical of the governments response and other relief activities feeling helpless and ignored. Floods killed our people, they have ruined our homes and even washed away the graves of our loved ones, Mai Sahat told the Associated Press near Sukkur, Sindh. Yet we are here without help from the government. The administration struggling to contain the Taliban and an economic crisis, is facing more pressure by the victims which bitterly accused the authorities of failing to come to their aid in this devastating disaster. Thus, the authorities and victims both are facing alot of issues along with other previous crisis. On the other hand, mountainous region of Ladakh was hit by flash floods which has killed 120 people with a ratio of 100 missing, building wee also damaged. The authorities of Indian-administered Kashmir are recovering bodies and highly concerned with a fast relief action. Whole of Pakistan is currently facing the devastating effects of flood. In Punjab hundreds of villages were submerged in flood water. It has destroyed homes, soaked the crops and threatened lives. Aid workers are also finding difficulty for the rescue delivery due to the nonstop raining and as a result more floods are coming out. As most of the affecties are poor people thus many organization is trying to help them in this hard time. UN also scrambles to provide food and other assistance to about 3.2 million affected people. This years monsoon season has caused the worst flood in Pakistan. Punjab is the richest and most populous province of Pakistan. The destruction in northwest was very volatile and the floodwater has hitted Punjab with the even high intensity. The rescue team of army tried to move villagers to higher ground through boats and helicopters. In the south of the province the tracts of Kot Addu and nearby area of layyah, water was so high that only upper most floors of some buildings and treetops were visible. During a visit to the flood affected area, the news reporters were briefed by Military spokesman Maj. Gen. Nadir Zeb that at least 30,000 people have been rescued from flood-hit zones in Kot Addu and areas over the previous 72 hours. He warned of more flooding as more rains were forecast in the next few days. People must cooperate with us, and they must leave those areas where floods are going to hit, he said. Muhammad Hanif, head of the National Weather Forecasting Center in Islamabad said that monsoon season in Pakistan usually lasts about three months, through mid-September. In a typical year, the country gets an average 137 mm (5.4 inches) worth of rainfall during the monsoon season. This year, it already has received 160 mm (6.3 inches). Hanif said the rains are already falling about 25 to 30 percent above normal rates. It was the hardest rain experienced by northwest can be called once-in-a-century rains. The death toll in the northwest region was highest. The significant amount of rain should be expected in Sindh province located at south and Punjabs at east. The Pakistans National Disaster management authority said that at least 47 people killed, 1,000 villages have been affected and 25,000 houses destroyed in Punjab since late July. The stretched crops of Pakistan are mainly grown in Punjab which is the Pakistans breadbasket were badly destroyed by the floodwater. Numerous crops have also been lost in the northwest. U.N has warned that due to loss of farm has produced the serious food shortage and thus World Food Program has estimated that over next month 1.8 million people will need to be fed. Along with the crops, buildings and houses all the communication lines are also destroyed and the roads and bridges are washed out. These all severe conditions are main hurdles in the relief and rescue operations. Including the United States, many foreign counties have stepped in to help the flood affecties. But still there are complains that aid is not reaching them fast enough or at all. This has disturbed the people more and results in aggressive behavior towards the authorities and helping organizations. The Map of Pakistan showing the area affected by the severe and moderate flood is given below. FLOOD HANDLING PROCEDURE: After earthquake relief operation, govt of Pakistan had set up a disaster management cell for fighting out natural disasters like earthquake and floods. However, scale of this flood is much beyond the capacity of that disaster management cell. Likewise in earthquake 2005 Pakistan army has come up once again to help the affected masses. All of army is out of cantonments for carry out flood relief operation throughout the country. It is a big challenge which cannot be met at once. Operation has different phases like rescue operation for evacuation of dead and trapped in flood, arrangement for internally displaced persons to alternate locations, provision of basic living facilities like shelter, food and medication, return of IDPs ( Internally displaced persons) to their home location after flood will be over and finally rehabilitation of these IDPs to restart their normal lives. First phase to fight out flood is being undertaken by govt of Pakistan and Pakistan army. All resources are brought in to move affected population to safe locations. Pakistan army engineers corps is carrying out rescue operation for water trapped masses, whereas tent villages are established to accommodate IDPs at safer locations. After rescue comes the relief phase of operation which includes provision of basic living facilities to affected people. It is not easy task for govt of Pakistan to handle such a disaster which has caused more than 15 million IDPs which is over all larger displacement than tsunami and 2005 earthquake collectively. Whole Pakistani nation has come up to help affected population in terms of donation and volunteer relief work. Still it demands help from international community. UNO and other govt and non govt organization are pumping in to help the situation. In relief phase experts for shelter food and medical care have major role to play. There is no economic activity in flood hit areas and is not expected to restart soon. So more than 15 million IDPs are going to have adverse effects on Pakistan economy. Monsoon is not over yet and few more rain spells are expected in month of august country wide. This situation depicts that rehabilitation phase is not going to start immediately which alternatively mean extended relief phase. And once rehabilitations starts, keeping in view the severity of flood, its not expected to recover the damage and restart normal routine life for min of two to three years. After complete destruction of routine life and infra structure in flood hit area, there has been acute shortage of day to day usage items. Demand has incredibly increased than supply which is ultimately going to cause price hikes generally in all over the country and particularly flood hit areas. Inflation of prices and sink of economy is obviously going to create so many living as well as social problems like increase in crime rate, increase of hunger and diseases, lawlessness and exploitation. All above mentioned problems and issues pose great challenge for govt of Pakistan. It is a very serious issue which needs to be handled with great care. Govt of Pakistan will have to take both short term and long term measures to fight existing challenge and avoid such massive damage in future. As a short time and immediate measure, all efforts must be made to accelerate ongoing relief operation and provide basic needs to all the affected population. All govt machinery and international organization should gear up to work together on same lines with each others collaboration. All agencies must be on one grid with central monitoring so that wastage and duplication of effort be kept to minimum. There had been an existing structure after earthquake as disaster management cell, if all agency try to work together in order to do capacity building of disaster management cell instead of working in independent capacities, it can really boost the relief work. CONCLUSION Pakistan is a country which is already dependent on foreign aid to cope up with economic situation and also to fight back with the militants war in the country. So management of the situation and also the right decision are very important to cope up with the disasters. Its govt responsibility to start media campaign to motivate whole nation to work together , project the relief work being undertaken and reduce frustration of the affected. At the same time , govt should encourage all volunteer teams , local NGOs, oversea Pakistanis and international community and take them on board to fight this catastrophe. Key factor in fetching the max out of all will be transparency and fairness of the procedure to utilize the aid to benefit IDPs. It may not be easy for govt to afford rehabilitation of all these IDPs, it will be helpful to give incentives to international agencies for investments in all over the country as payback to their assistance in rehabilitation of IDPs. Keeping in view the terrain and weather of Pakistan, it is very likely to face flood in future as well. Short terms measure can never be a permanent solution to these catastrophes. There can be no way to avoid floods in future except making dams to store and control excessive waters. Construction of dams in Pakistan had been politicized over few decades. This is the right time for govt of Pakistan to take decision for constructions of dams at various locations throughout the country. This will not only help in avoiding flood but will also solve the biggest energy crises by production of electricity. All existing dams and canal system is old one and capacity of all rivers, canals and dams has been greatly reduced due to silt. In addition to construction of new dams, expansion and cleaning of existing dam and canal system is also imperative. There is no question that present flood has caused devastating effects on Pakistan economy which will take years to recover. But such catastrophes are always food of thought for future and prove to be turning points for nations to plan ahead. This is the time for govt of Pakistan to revise their economic policies and bring reforms. Nothing is more than safety of people, so serious issues relating survival of nations would not be politicized at all. We hope after recovering from this flood, Pakistan gets on to the track leading to benefit of whole of country instead of few.