Saturday, September 7, 2019

High School Drinking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

High School Drinking - Research Paper Example The problems discussed here range from road accidents, academic problems, substance use, delinquency, employment problems in future, date rape, and family problems. It is evident that consumption of alcohol affects the lives of students in various ways and reduces their academic achievement through various mechanisms. The first issue is the impact of alcohol on brain. The short term bad effects of alcohol range from difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, and impaired memory. For students, the most important point is the impairment in memory caused by alcohol. It is reported in a study (cited in National Institute on Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism) among 772 college undergraduates that 51% students who drink feel blacking out and being not able to remember the things they did at some point in their lives. In addition to this loss of memory that will have a huge impact on the academic performance, there is the finding that alcohol can damage the brain areas responsible for learning and memory, verbal skills, and visual-spatial cognition.

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